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Preview: Photo Agency Exhibitions & Screenings – Visa pour l’Image 2012

Visa pour l’Image pro week runs 1 – 6 Sept
Below are details of shows sent into from photo agencies VII, Panos, and Noor. Happy to build this article/showcase so send in your Visa news and links… thanks [email protected]

VII: click the photographers to view Projects by VII photographers Jocelyn Bain Hogg, Ed Kashi, Maciek Nabrdalik and Stephanie Sinclair have been selected for screenings and exhibition.
Please contact Nick Papadopoulos at [email protected] if you would like to set up meetings with individual photographers.

Panos Pictures: Various Panos photographers will be exhibited and projected during this year’s Visa pour l’Image photo festival in Perpignan, France, from 1st to 16th September 2012. Justin Jin and Robin Hammond are going to have exhibitions at the festival. Adam Dean, Mark Henley, Ian Banning, Stephan Vanfleteren, Timothy Allen and William Daniels will be projected as part of the nightly screenings at the Campo Santo in Perpignan. Full details

Noor: The 24th edition of the international festival of journalism Visa pour l’Image is starting next week. We are happy to present you the NOOR reportages that have been selected for exhibition and screenings at this year’s festival. On Thursday 6 September, we celebrate our 5th. Five years ago NOOR agency and foundation were launched at the festival and for the occasion all members will come to Perpignan this year.
the e-waste trail: Did you ever ask yourself where your well-worn electronic devices end up as they become obsolete, out of order or simply break down? Stanley Greene followed the trail of electronic waste in Nigeria, China, India and Pakistan.
röadkill: motörhead: Since 2008 when he first started to photograph the mythical rock ‘n roll band Motörhead, Pep Bonet has been with them in Europe and South America, and spent time with them in recording studios in the US.
Via Panam: Kadir van Lohuizen spent a year on the road documenting migration in the Americas, traveling from South to North America for Via PanAm. During the evening screening on 5 September, Visa pour l’Image presents “The Trail of the Migrants”, the chapter of the project that shows the path followed by the migrants by bus, on foot, or by hitching rides on freight trains from Guatemala, across Mexico to the US.
Watch: Noor Launch video from Visa 2007

Great guide to Visa and Perignan from