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Registration open: Fotofringe London – visit 100 + picture agencies all under one roof

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Flora Nedelcu of Topfoto is putting the finishing touches to this year’s fotofringe, Thursday 22 May 2014. The last few remaining tables have been allocated but those joining the waiting list now will be in line for a table in the event of cancellations: “I already encourage any expressions of interest to exhibit at fotofringe 2015 which will help us plan the ever growing success that fotofringe is delivering to the picture and publishing industries”.

Registration is now open for picture buyers, publishers, media researchers, advertising agencies, product developers, tv & film production companies…. anyone who needs to license imagery in their professional life.

Fotofringe 2014 Exhibitors include: 123RF; 4Corners Images; Action Library; The Advertising Archives; akg-images; Alamy; ALLSTAR Picture Library; Ardea; Arcaid Images; Arcangel Images; Arcticphoto; ArenaPal Performing Arts Library; The Art Archive/Kobal; AWL Images; Axiom Photographic; BackPageImages; Bridgeman Art Library; British Library Images Online; British Museum Images; Camera Press; Cartel Photos; Centre des monuments nationaux – CMN; Cody Images; Corbis; Creative Image Library; Deposit Photos; Express Pictures; Ecoscene; Eyeem; EWA Stock; Eye Ubiquitous; FLPA; Fogden Wildlife Photographs; Food and Drink Photos; Fotolibra; Gallerystock; GAP interiors/photos; The Garden Collection; Getty Images; Glasgow Life Photo Library; Heritage Images; Homer Sykes: My British Archive; IDS Picture Desk; Ikon Images; Image Source; IPC Plus Syndication; LAT Photographic; Lebrecht Music & Arts; Lee Miller Archives; Living4Media; Loupe Images; Magnum Photos; Mary Evans Picture Library; Military Photo Library; Mirrorpix; Narratives; National Museum Wales; National Portrait Gallery; Natural History Museum Images; Nature Picture Library; News Syndication; Offside Sports Photography; Oxford University Images; OTTO & AUGUST; PA Images; PhotoCuisine UK; Photofusion; Photoshot; Phototake USA; plainpicture; PPL; Pulsar Images; Rex Features; Reunion des musee nationaux – RMN; Robana Picture Library; Robert Harding World Imagery; Ronald Grant Archive; Royal Museums Greenwich; Scala Archives; Scanpix Sweden; Science & Society; Science Photo Library; Shutterstock; Skyscan; Sonia Halliday Photographs; Steve Bloom Images; Stockfood; Superstock; Tate Images;; Trigger Images;; V&A Images; VIEW pictures; Wellcome Images; WENN; Werner Forman Archive; Writer Pictures.

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