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RIP Alfonso Gutierrez – age Fotostock founder

Alfonso Gutierrez the founder of photo agency AGE Fotostock has died.

Photographer Alfonso started the photo agency in 1973 and was President of photo association CEPIC from 2013 – 2021.


  • […] agency agefotostock founded and owned by Alfonso Gutierrez until his death in December 2023 will close according to his final […]

    • He died leaving a trail of unpaid photographers on which he made his fortune. The man was in short a criminal conning photographers out of money earned and never paying invoices. He ignored emails and contributors did not have the option to withdraw their images…
      His final wishes was for Agefotostock to be declared bankrupt thus going to his grave leaving photographers no chance of recovering royalty earnings… May he rest in Hell

  • Like most photographers, this man owed me a lot of money and had no intention of paying it. Good riddance.

  • Just another con artist, a common crook. He tarnished the reputation of everything he touched, notably the stock agency business, and CEPIC, all damaged due to association with him. A despicable bully who deserves no kind words. I hope his death was not peaceful.

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