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See: Photojournalism and Documentary Grads Photography – University of Gloucestershire

Paul Roberts, the ex Offside and PA sports photographer and now Senior Lecturer and Course Leader in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at University of Gloucestershire has uploaded the latest photography from the course.

View the Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at University of Gloucestershire 2020 graduate newspaper …on Issuu

Paul told us – “Thanks Will, much appreciated. I’ve also just confirmed with Tom Stoddart that he will again be lending his name to our 2020 photo prize, which will be supported with a prize donated by Canon UK.”

“The newspaper has been a regular feature of the course for several years and is designed and produced by the students themselves. It features all of the graduating this year students who are given 20 copies of the newspaper each to give away as part of their portfolio offering.

This years publication was shot almost exclusively in lockdown and the quality of the imagery is testament to the students hard work and determination to produce meaningful photographic projects in trying and unprecedented conditions.The produced newspaper, printed at the expense of the course, contains work as visually diverse as former WWII defences in Felixstowe, new build housing estates in the UK, Guatemalan adoptees living in Britain and life under lockdown.

The course is also host to the Tom Stoddart award, supported with a prize from Canon UK, which is open to all 2nd and 3rd year students with the winner chosen by Tom Stoddart himself. This years winner will be announced at Easter 2021.”

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