In New York Shutterstock presented their Q1 results for 2019 – it’s interesting reading. The content is increasing rapidly – the per image revenue is not.
One PAN reader told me ‘…it’s interesting the per image rev has actually gone up, I’d expected this to have gone down’. – PAN comment: We’re guessing now many national newspapers are declaring they have hit their business targets and are breaking even, like the Guardian in the UK announced this week, single use editorial image prices will start to head back to where they were five years ago …right?!
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Jon Oringer said, “We had a solid start to 2019 with continued profitable revenue growth as well as progress on key strategic initiatives. Our customers are responding positively to the many ways we are enhancing their experience by providing them with the content and tools they need. In the first quarter, we continued ongoing localization efforts, making our contributor site available in 21 languages, and launching in-app contributor registration making it easier than ever to sign up as a Shutterstock contributor. We also improved the performance of our site and continued to make improvements to the customer experience on our platform.
“We also launched our first brand campaign in six years, ‘It’s not stock, it’s Shutterstock,’ which is designed to showcase the unparalleled quality and depth of our creative content library and results show that it is resonating with the creative community.”