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Splash Sale: Other Reports

Melissa Allison at The Seattle Times reports:
‘Look out, Angelina Jolie.
Bill Gates owns a piece of you now ? or at least your image.
….Shenk prefers that Splash’s photographers not be called paparazzi.
“That is a term of several decades ago,” he said. “This is a very professional industry, and we’re committed to delivering the pictures customers need, but doing it in a manner that’s completely ethical and respects their right to privacy. That’s a critical part of the success of Splash. We don’t cross lines.”….
full article here: Seattle Times reports:
Splash is a major player in the aggressive world of celebrity photos, with an army of photographers staking out celebrity hot spots like L.A., New York, and Milan to feed the entertainment news industry.
And that is just fine with Gates, said Corbis CEO Gary Shenk. He said Gates knows that being a famous philanthropist and the billionaire Microsoft co-founder makes him a celebrity and someone who is of interest to celebrity photo agencies. Gates fully expects Splash photographers to take his picture if he is in a celebrity setting, Shenk said….. full report: