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Spotted: Photo Agency Owners ‘Out And About’ This Week

This week PAN spotted Lloyd Beiny owner of London based celebrity photo agency WENN ‘out and about’ with a few celebs.
I feel a caption competition coming on here! – send your caption suggestions to [email protected], I’ll find a prize somewhere.

Dean Osborne, Acting Dept Picture Editor, Sunday Express with these captions:
Pic 1) (LB and KK) “So Lloyd, WENN was that look fashionable?”
Pic 2) (LB and RH) Rolf to Lloyd “Listen mate, I’d lose the beard if I was you. It’s early November and people are looking to top off their bonfires with a guy”

James Claydon, Director of International Business Development, AP Images:
Is Lloyd saying “Did I ever tell you about the time I managed the Eurythmics?”

And Lloyd says:
“Tie me Kardashian down sport……tie me Kardashian down…”

See who was ‘out-and-about’ last week: here