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Support Rhonda Wilson – severe illness prompts crowd funded campaign

Updated: 14/11/2014: Rhonda died on the 6 November – full announcement here Rhonda Wilson MBE 17 August 1953 – 6 November 2014

This in from PAN reader- Photographer and Picture Editor Tom Broadbent:

Hi Will,
A friend of mine, in fact my old tutor from university has been ill for the past three years and is now looking at a financial crisis where she could lose her home. I don’t think that’s likely to happen now as there’s a crowd funded campaign to help her. The target is £20k and it’s about £2500 off the target. There’s three days left and I was hoping you could mention it on your site.

It’s for Rhonda Wilson and she’s helped loads of photographers over the years. I blogged about it here

The campaign is here and there’s loads of great prints that have been donated by photographers and galleries that she helped.

It just needs one last push and we’ll get over the line with it.