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The new media feeders – a few realtime news photo platforms

Scoopt (bought by Getty Images in 2007) were the first to tackle the citizen journalism field and most of the images were from ‘real cameras’, not mobile phones – 6 years on lens technology and social media platforms have matured enough to provide a mass upload and retrieval of instant news images.
PAN has had comms from start ups and established photo news delivery platforms recently – here they are:

Based in Canada CrowdMedia CEO Mart Roldan told ‘Our platform captures more than 150M social photos everyday, all in real time, and filters them down to the 0.03% that are valuable to news publishers, while clearing the copyright and automating payment.’
The system seems to auto-trawl Twitter photos, post them in a photo library fashion, your choose what you want, the system then auto contacts the originator and request licensing options.

Cont3nt has been around for a while – ‘Our e-commerce platform enables a reporter in Lybya, Syria or Occupy Wall Street to sell their breaking news footage to the BBC or their local paper and have it published in a half-hour’

‘NewsPoint is the world’s first verification platform for newsrooms, a service provided by Blottr.’
NewsPoint offers subscribers:
• Access and full perpetual worldwide rights to use video and still image news footage from around the world on an exclusive basis
• Monitoring tools for newsrooms to keep abreast of emerging stories and trends
• Verification of any content surfaced or received from unsolicited sources or across social media, to help protect reputations and ensure NewsPoint clients get it right
• Direct access to the world’s largest contributor network to source original footage for their exclusive use
• Where possible, interviews and connections with trusted, authenticated eyewitnesses at the scene of an event