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Photographer David Levenson tackled bowel cancer – supports Movember with 2nd moustache in 30 years

The 1st moustache, ‘This picture was taken by Lionel Cherrault when we were in Australia in 1983, covering Charles and Diana’s first Royal Tour.’

This into the office from photographer –and sometimes PAN contributor- David Levenson:
Dear friends
Having had bowel cancer earlier this year, I thought I should do my bit for the cause…
I considered running a marathon, climbing a mountain, or swimming the Channel.
But then I thought no. I am going to do something really difficult.
I will grow a moustache.

November is Movember, and I would like to invite you to make a donation to a good cause, fighting Cancer.
Movember is a charity where men and women are sponsored to grow a moustache for the month with donations going to Cancer research around the world.

They take Pounds, Dollars, Euros and any change down the back of your sofa
I have a page where you can donate something, anything, no matter how small
Donate online at:
If you could, I would be genuinely really grateful.

And as a small gift to you…here is a photo of me with my previous moustache, circa 1983

With best wishes and gratitude


David’s latest tests after having had surgery to remove a big lump in his stomach – show all clear.