Xmas bash organiser Jonathan Buckmaster of Snapperweb and BPPA members Jeff Moore and Julie Edwards drawing the tickets © Nick Strugnell
Photographer members of two of the finest UK’s press photo bodies – Snapperweb and the BPPA – were in fine festive spirit at their joint Christmas party in Fleet Street on Friday evening managing to raise a record £4K in their charity raffle for the LimbBo Foundation – Great work!
PAN friend Snapperweb owner Jonathan Buckmaster sent Us this report:
Dear Will,
I would just like you to know of our recent BPPA & snapperweb annual photographers party and charity raffle 2018 held at Ye olde Cock Tavern, Fleet Street.
Our chosen charity this year was the LimbBo Foundation, founded by a husband and wife team, to help limb difference children and their families and providing prosthetic limbs for children. https://www.limbbofoundation.co.uk
This year’s team effort could not have been possible without our generous donors, namely Helen Atkinson, Snapperstuff, theBPPA,Sony, Canon, Nikon, MindShift, ThinkTank, Fixation, Zipcar, EasyJet, Manfrotto, Loweppro, CherryDuck Studios, Imprimer Printing, I-images, Fuji & Jessops who all donated a fabulous variety of prizes from cameras, camera bags, flight tickets, studio hire, iPads, lenses & Amazon vouchers amongst others.
We are also very grateful to the MEGA Agency who gave us a large donation to the charity
This year we raised a whopping £4002.00, almost double last years total and a huge boost to the LimbBo Foundation.
Adam Dengel, Chairman of the foundation wrote
“There isn’t enough words to describe how utterly fantastic your help and donation is. Honestly this is by far the largest donation we have received since we began and will open so many doors for us to help limb different kids!
Please please please give everyone involved in this the biggest thank you ever, you have all shown incredible kindness towards children and should be immensely proud.
We will use this money to kickstart some major projects we wanted to achieve and we will let you know of their progress!
Keep in touch and again from the bottom of our hearts….thank you & Merry Christmas“
….a few more photos below

Anxiously awaiting the draw results 😉 ©Aland Davidson

Prizewinner Natasha Pszenicki receiving her prize © Nick Strugnell
[…] December 2018 PAN ran an article celebrating a great charity raffle fundraising evening by UK press photographers, one of the […]