Celebrity photo agency Splash News in the UK has apologised and paid damages to the Duke of Sussex (Prince Harry) over images they shot of his home in the Cotswolds.…
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PA Images
This in from a PAN reader wanting to get a print of the above image shot in 1936 …We traced images shot the same year to Fox Photos who’s collection…
ZIK Images, the photo archive of Cologne based editorial photographer ZIK (from his surname Friedriszik), is online now and available to license.ZIK photographed news events all over Europe from 1979…
A new rights managed photo library launched this week – Silverlake Archive – the theme is lifestyle, travel, still life, celebrities and fashion. The new venture is being supported by…
Photo library akg-images has acquired Historic Maps archive, one of the world’s largest collections of maps, engravings, photographs and city views of Germany, Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Australia. 7,000…
One for picture researchers and newspaper picture desk photo feature planners here – a licence-ready image search selection from UK photo library fotoLIBRA ‘200th Anniversary of Queen Victoria’s Birth‘ 24…
Cracking new photographer signing here for UK based photo agency Luxy Images – they are now representing photographer Stephen Wilkes for commercial photo commissions in Europe. View a selection of…
Globe Photos, a leader in the distribution of fine art pop culture photography, and powerhouse media and photo agency MediaPunch have formed a new partnership for licensing and global distribution…
Cracking report here from image rights enforcement company Copytrack showing that of the three billion images shared online each day, around 85% are unlicensed. That’s a total of around 2.5…
A Press Photo History Project reader is looking for images similar to the one above which has an image of his Grandfather alongside Douglas Fairbanks and Douglas Fairbanks jnr at…
Visually stunning, Faster, Clearer and More intuitive is how Germany based photo agency Mauritius Images are describing their new web site which went live this morning. They say: ‘The new website is…
PAN loves this fresh idea for a photo agency gallery edit from Munich based Westend61 They say: ‘Social change in the wake of globalization and digitization has produced a new…
Great work here from photo and video library Science Photo Library in London via their latest newsletter …’SPL in action’ : Examples images used by editorial clients. These include many…
PAN spotted a new website launch this week from UK based travel stock photo expert AWL Images …take a look PAN loves the published work galleries, photo libraries should always…
National Geographic and PBS NewsHour (US based 40-year-old archive of news and historic footage) are the latest content partners to join the Reuters Connect platform, offering subscribers photography from the National Geographic Image…
One year in business has proved paparazzi photo agency owner, Natalie Kaffee, was right when she and her husband, Brett, launched Flight Photo Agency introducing a totally disruptive business model…
In Germany photo agency ddp images has announced a boost to their exclusive celebrity candid’s content via new partnerships with CiaoPix and Spread Pictures.…
Yup, it’s just around the corner and will be flooding every retail outlet soon so photo researchers and editors get stock photo prepared with this sun soaked easter selection from…