PAN is heavily read by photo agency owners, directors and staff but also by the image buying pro’s – Always nice to hear from them – thanks! – I hope you continue to enjoy the read.
What people are saying about
• “Hi Will, just wanted to let you know, following your kind report on PAN, I have been contacted by a researcher putting together a brief for a major company TV advert, looking for plastic, climate change footage. Fingers crossed.
Thanks once again.
✮Love your site – keep up the good work. I am new to London/UK trade and find it invaluable – Managing Photo Editor London
✮ Thanks again and yes its true I think for most your site is the one everyone in our industry goes to or sends around in link form for information! – photo agency director.
✮ I want to thank you very much for the service you have provided me for so many years! It was useful and interesting and, most definitely, helped me keep up with things. Judy Mason -Photo Editing & Research- on retiring from the industry.
✮ Hi Will, Thanks to you for co-ordinating both this list (PPHP) and the wonderful news letter (PAN) – it saves me hours of ploughing through everyone’s not really newsworthy newsletters. I’m always telling people what a wonderful thing it is. Julia R (Picture Manager LAURENCE KING PUBLISHING LIMITED)
✮ “Hi, I am looking for 2 x London Based Picture Researchers for Thursday and Friday this week”…. I used Google and typed in “Picture Researchers London” and found – thanks!” – Bex, Production Manager Pretzel Films, London.
✮ Quick note to say that I really look forward to receiving PhotoArchiveNews!: picture research and copyright clearance specialist.
✮ UK National newspaper Picture Editor: ‘Always a good read and it makes up for the lack of face to face get togethers these days which always were great for industry ‘gossip’.
✮ Photo Agency owner: ‘Thanks for the PAN email newsletters each week I always read them with interest, it’s a great way of keeping in touch with whats going on in our industry’.
✮ Picture Editor at a UK Book Publisher: “If you are a photo agency I should know about then send you news to that’s where I keep tabs on the stock photo industry”.
✮ Picture Researcher Los Angeles: “Thanks Will – I do enjoy receiving your newsletter, it’s really good source of information and I’m amazed I hadn’t heard about it before.”
✮ Photo Agency Owner: Good to see your site growing and doing such a great job on reporting industry news.
✮ Photo Library Manager: “Just to say, I’ve been enjoying your postings for a while now and always find them really interesting and a great way to catch up on the goings on of the industry.”
✮ “Enjoying PAN as much as ever, informative and useful great way to keep updated on industry news.” Cheryl Yates.
✮ “Thanks Will, I’ve been your site for years, it’s one of my go-tos.” Helen at The Hell Gate photo agency.
✮ “Fantastic resource.” Freelance Picture researcher. – the business of images
[…] • Here’s what our readers have been saying about PAN […]
[…] Here’s what our readers have been saying about PAN. […]
[…] is read by around 25,000 industry people every month – read what they say about PAN. • Read a little more about PAN […]
[…] is read by around 25,000 industry people every month – read what they say about PAN.• Read a little more about PAN […]