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UK celebrity portraiture library secures Michel Comte collection

Mel Gibson is pictured in Los Angeles, California © Michel Comte Collection/ English supermodel Naomi Campbell is pictured in Paris, France © Michel Comte Collection/ London-based celebrity portraiture library Matrix Studios – part of the Matrix Media Group – has been chosen to represent the archive of legendary Swiss photographer…

Get: Global Stock Image Market Survey 2012 – Report ready now

• What is the size of the global picture trade? • How do picture agencies reach their markets? • What are appropriate business models? Where are the new markets? Last year PAN linked to the CEPIC, PACA and the Heidelberg Research Group on the Global Stock Image Market, ‘the first-ever global survey…

The White House News Photographers Association 2013 Photo Winners

The White House News Photographers Association announced that freelance photographer Patrick Smith has been named “Photographer of the Year” and Brooks Kraft won “Political Photo of the Year” in the 2013 ‘The Eyes of History™’ contest judging at the National Geographic Society in Washington. “I am happy, humbled, and proud,…

Book: The Slow Paparazzo – ‘they were just here’

‘Short on celebrities, long on afterglow, these seemingly empty public spaces were in fact occupied just moments ago by famous people going about their daily lives—Betty White, Harrison Ford, Laura Dern, Christian Bale, Billy Crystal and more… Painstakingly culled from Antoine Wilson’s ongoing “Slow Paparazzo” project’ (, each photo is…

New ‘Kate Bikini’ pics shot by ‘citizen journalist’

The latest Royals-on-hols photo set appear to have been shot by a member of the public who snapped the Duchess of Cambridge on holiday with Will’s on the Caribbean island of Mustique. The images of Kate on a beach wearing a bikini are to be published by Chi magazine in…

London press photo agency launches PR photo department – UK covered

click ↑ to view the LNP PR portrait portfolio – and Mr Cameron ↑ for the photo call portfolio London’s youngest and busiest independent press photo agency London News Pictures (LNP) are expanding again with the launch of a dedicated Public Relations Photography service LNPPR They say: ‘We provide a…

Watch: Canon C300 Field Test – Rick Gershon MediaStorm

Straight out of the box – Rick Gershon, Director of Photography at MediaStorm, was given the Canon C300 the day before he left for a shoot, a basic set up – without any heavy instruction manual reading – resulted in a smooth day’s shooting. They say: MediaStorm’s Director of Photography,…

Stanley Forman 1921-2013 – founder of the ETV Library

FOCAL reports: Stanley Forman, Honorary Member of FOCAL International, internationally known documentary film distributor and producer and founder of the ETV Library, died last night (February 7th) at Harrogate Hospital, Yorkshire. For many years Stanley’s company, ETV Films Ltd., was one of the best sources for archive film about the…