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The Times Runs Free Photo Gallery

Another News Int pay-wall UK newspaper, The Times, also features a free Royal Wedding photo galleryon it’s home page with a good mix of image usage representing both pool, wire and independent photo agencies – all well credited.…

NOW Breaks Pay Wall For R.Wedding Photos

News International’s UK Sunday newspaper News Of The World, usually locked up behind a pay-wall, has run free access Royal Wedding photo galleries. Most of the images in their ‘We choose the best snaps of the day’ gallery appear to be pool pictures but without credits it’s hard to be…

Arthur Edwards – Royal Photographer Interviewed

Yellow Advertiser is running an interview with the Sun’s Royal photographer Arthur Edwards. WHAT WAS YOUR PATH TO THE SUN? I started off doing shifts and was offered a full-time job on January 22nd, 1975. And then I got asked to see what Prince Charles was doing……… ARE YOU NERVOUS…

Royal Flush For Splash…….Nearly

LA based celebrity photo agency Splash landed six front page photos in UK national newspapers on the eve of the Royal Wedding. Photographer Nick Houghton’s shot Kate talking on the phone made four covers.…

Global Imageworks Has Tornado HD Footage Available

Global ImageWorks’ stormchaser was just outside Tuscaloosa, Alabama when the devastating tornadoes hit. GIW’s footage captures the vast wreckage that hit the area and includes exclusive eye witness accounts. One interview is with the driver of the overturned UPS truck seen in the picture. Another is with a woman who…

Camera Review: Fuji X100

click the camera for The Pictorial review Kevin Lloyd, photographer and author of photo blog The Pictorial has sent PhotoArchiveNews a link to his review of the Fuji X100 camera.…

<< Breaking News >> Getty Images Buys Picscout

Getty Images has acquired online image tracking company PicScout UPDATE: Technology site is reporting Getty Pays $20 million For PicScout They say: “This acquisition will build and grow upon Getty Images’ existing range of products and services, enabling Getty Images to amplify its digital content licensing expertise and leverage…

Mother Sues Over Stock Photo Poster Usage

Ad Week reports: The mother of a 6-year-old girl whose photo appeared on an anti-abortion billboard targeting African Americans is suing the ad company that created the campaign, claiming it violated the terms her contract……. The photo was purchased by Heroic Media from the photo agency Getty Images with the…

Injured Photojournalist Guy Martin Moved To Malta

Guy Martin being transported: Photos Darrin Zammit Lupi Guy gives thumbs up during the move: Photos Darrin Zammit Lupi further photos are available on the Reuters wire Press photographer Darrin Zammit Lupi a staff photographer with the Malta Times sent us these photos of photojournalist Guy Martin arriving in Malta…

Photoshelter Offers Free Photo Buying Insights

Photoshelter, ‘portfolio websites, sales and marketing tools for photographers’, has released What Buyers Want from Photographers, a 40 page e-book packed with survey results and insights from image buyers, photo editors, and other creatives who hire photographers and license photography. The new guide is provided for free in partnership with…

The Royal Wedding Industry Round-up – ongoing

IFPress reports: Paparazzi stake their space … but know their place. ….’Joe Sene, U.K. editor of Splash News paparazzi agency, figures British newspaper editors have learned to live by the rules. “It’s a commercial decision for the editors — not worth the risks,” he says of shots that could break…

Online Gaming Network Hacked: Users Info Stolen

Just a reminder if hackers were to turn their attention to the photo industry…… Sony has warned users of its PlayStation Network that their personal information, including credit card details, may have been stolen. Access to the network was suspended last Wednesday, but Sony has only now revealed details of…

Kodak Moments On Show In Bendigo

click the image to view the ABC report on the Kodak exhibition Kodak is one of those instantly recognisable brand names all around the world. It dates back to 1888 when an inventor called George Eastman created the first camera for the mass market. But George Eastman was also the…

Movie Stills Specialist Archive On Show At ‘Cannes’

Elizabeth Taylor – Film: Suddemly Last Summer/ Photo: The Kobal Collection / Columbia UK based movie stills specialist photo library The Kobal Collection will feature again at this years’ The Cannes Film Festival. The library has partnered the Festival for over twenty years creating exhibitions and displays from it’s vast…