Photo Archive News is read by most business savvy photo agency owners and directors all around the world…

Photo Archive News is read by most business savvy photo agency owners and directors all around the world…
Starting April 1 leading German travel stock photo agency Look will be taken over by food stock photo agency StockFood – StockFood operates a number of other specialised premium photo agencies. Look was founded in 1989 in Munich by a small group of professional travel and sports photographers and now…
London based art licensing company Meiklejohn Graphics Licensing – MGL – are now representing Martina Pavlova an illustrator and concept artist specialising in modern, feminine illustrations. They say: As a former fashion designer and beauty editor Martina loves all things stylish and pretty, transferring this passion into all of her work using a unique artistic…
Interesting project here from Conde Nast who celebrated web magazine Vogue Girl Japan’s fifth anniversary creating every editorial page (151 pages), including the cover featuring model Nana Komatsu, with a Google pixel 3 smartphone. The special issue called Tokyo Style is the first magazine shot using smartphone only by VOGUE. Looks like great…
After decades of exclusively dealing with music industry footage Reelin’ In The Years have expanded their business to include photos – ‘strictly pertaining to music-related artists’.The agency is currently working on the photo archive database and will make a formal announcement in the coming weeks. They say: ‘As many of you…
Visually stunning, Faster, Clearer and More intuitive is how Germany based photo agency Mauritius Images are describing their new web site which went live this morning. They say: ‘The new website is so intuitively and clearly structured that you will find your way around immediately. For the subtleties as background colour, drag…
A new UK-wide photo agency representing female photographers called Female Perspective has been launched by Brighton based photographer Tabatha Fireman. Having worked at numerous photo agencies as both photographer and assignment editor, and with a desire to redress the gender imbalance that currently exists in photojournalism, Tabatha, 44, set out to create a photo…
For our India based readers …The second edition of Chennai Photo Biennale (CPB) , an international biennale of photography, was officially inaugurated by Ma Foi K Pandiarajan , Minister of Official Tamil Language, Arts and Culture at the Senate House, The Madras University, Chennai on 22 February 2019. The Biennale…
Shutterstock have launched in-app contributor sign-ups for both Android and iOS platforms, (until now only available via a desktop) available in 21 languages …making uploading and selling photos on their platform much easier for the mobile-first generation. They say: With the advances in mobile technology, there are phones available that…
PAN loves this fresh idea for a photo agency gallery edit from Munich based Westend61 They say: ‘Social change in the wake of globalization and digitization has produced a new generation of parents: the “Millennial Parents,” already shaped by digital media in their youth. For them, being active in a…
Sadly photojournalist Yannis Behrakis died at the age of 58 on March 2, he had been ill with Cancer. A prize winning photographer Yannis has been shooting news stories for Reuters since 1987. His friend Lefteris Pitarakis, AP Chief Photographer in Turkey and PAN reader, is preparing an event to celebrate his…
I’m pleased to report we have completed three photo research projects this week here at PAN covering a search and find for a UK charity, a search and clear for a new book and a search and find for a company history profile. Good work by our freelance photo researchers!…
On International Women’s Day, today, and in celebration of Women’s History Month (1 March – 31 March), photo agency Getty Images has sent us profiles of 10 pioneering women photographers from their collection …and an edit of their work. From Françoise De Mulder, who was the first woman to win the…
PA Images launched their search for interns as part of their paid sports internship program last November …and here are the lucky recipients …Northampton-born photographer Bradley Collyer (19) and Tess Derry (25) , from Wimbledon, were chosen from over 70 applicants from around the UK for the paid, six-month placements.…
If you like your pictures historical …here’s a page to add to your Instagram feed …just online this week. ‘The AP Images historical photo archive, which dates back to the 19th century, contains a wealth of iconic imagery from around the globe.’ • If you need help understanding or managing…
Great work here from photo and video library Science Photo Library in London via their latest newsletter …’SPL in action’ : Examples images used by editorial clients. These include many of the world’s most prominent consumer titles, academic journals and periodical print media. HERE…
Update: Found! …see comment below. A PAN reader has a print of Winston Churchill ….and they are looking for any information about the photographer, date, occasion and what made the Prime minister smile?! Answers on an email please [email protected] Need help finding a photo owner? …we do this, over on our…