For those readers who don’t need reminding – see you sometime today – for those of you who have not visited fotofringe London – we look forward to seeing you … it’s free entry for picture editors, researchers and creatives.
PAN is Media Partner to fotofringe London
The event is for one day only and held at Kings Place, 90 York Way London – N1 9AG
• 90 photo agencies
• For one day only
• Millions of images
Here are the photo libraries and photo agencies booked for 2017 you to explore:
New exhibitors for 2017 include: Adobe Stock; Africa Media Online (South Africa), the Argus Picture Library; Autograph; Cover Images; DK Images; GAP Garden; Gap Interiors; Genus; Iconic Images; Magnum; Mauritius Images; Motoring Picture Library; Museum of Fine Arts Boston (USA); NaturAgency (France); NHM Images; Offside Sports Photography; Photostage; Picfair; PICHA Africa stock photos; Pixelrights; The Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal Society…. They join a prestigious list of some of the top specialist and general collections in the world.
Full list of confirmed exhibitors include: 123rf; 4corners; The Advertising Archives; Adobe Stock; Africa Media Online; akg-images; Alamy; Ambience; Arcaid; Ardea; ArenaPal Performing Arts Library; Argus Picture Library; Artimage; Ashmolean Picture Library; AUGUST; Autograph; AWL Images; Roger Bamber Archive; Bridgeman Images; British Museum Images; Caia Image; Camera Press; Capture; Cody Images; Cover Images; Depositphotos; DK Images; Gallery Stock; GAP Gardens; GAP Interiors; Genus; George Douglas Archive; Glasgow Life; Heritage Images; High Level Photography; Historic Environment Scotland; Historic Royal Palaces; Iconic Images; IDS Picturedesk; Ikon Images; Image Source; John Birdsall Social Issues; LAT photographic; Lebrecht Music and Arts; Lee Miller Archive; Living4 Media; Magnum; Mauritius Images; Mary Evans; Mirrorpix; Motoring Picture Library; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; National Archives Image Library; National Museum of Wales; National Portrait Gallery; NaturAgency; Nature Picture Library; News Syndication; NHM Images; Offside Sports Photography; OTTO; PA Images; Photostage; Picfair; PICHA Africa stock photos; Picselrights; Picturemaxx; Pixelrights; Plainpicture; RMN, France; robertharding; Ronald Grant Archive; Royal Armouries; Royal Museums Greenwich; Royal Shakespeare Company; Royal Society; Scala Archives; Science & Society Picture Library; Science Photo Library;; Shutterstock; Sonia Halliday Photo Library; Sputnik Images; Stockfood; Superstock; Tate Images;; V&A Images; View; Werner Forman Archive plus CEPIC, BAPLA, PRA and
SO – click the Register Now! button below for a day of visual joy …and a bit of business.
View a few photos from last years fotofringe below – and all fotofringe articles on PAN HERE

all photos ©Robert Piwko/fotofringe is Media Partner to fotofringe London and will be at the event on April 27
[…] busy day awaited both photo searchers and photo providers at Fotofringe London held last Thursday. Organiser Flora Nedelcu and her team put together another very smooth event […]
[…] From Adobe Stock …to 😉 Fotofringe London is the only day this year you will see the photo licensing industry up close …book your visit here. A level playing field at the event will see the worlds largest photo licensing brands alongside the worlds most important niche photo archives, they all have a table, no pop up advertising, just photo people discussing photos with photo people. Picture library owners will be there manning their company tables, visiting Photo Editors and Picture Researchers from the worlds best publishing houses will be picking their way through the three floors of the event visiting over 90 photo library tables and Creative photo buyers from the best advertising and design agencies will be searching out their next must-have photo resource… see you there! […]