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IMAGO – ‘The Impact of AI on the Photography Industry’

As we all wonder the impact AI is going to have on the photo licensing business Fatemeh Roshan a journalist at photo agency IMAGO writing for the agency photo magazine The Game has been exploring the impact through recent interviews with industry people.

‘When digital cameras hit the market in the 80s, photographers were elated to bid farewell to the costly expenses of film and heavy equipment and to take unlimited photos without worrying about running out of films. A decade later, in the 90s, Photoshop reshaped the photography industry and ushered in a new era of editing. While some embraced the new technology, others were apprehensive about its impact on the authenticity of photos. The following decade brought with it high-quality camera phones and the emergence of social media, further revolutionizing the industry.’ 

‘Now, AI is transforming the photography industry again, from image recognition to editing to composition. However, as with any new technology, many are wary of its potential impact on their work and livelihood. But what is AI exactly, and how should we deal with it in the photography industry?’ …read Fatemeh’s full article on The Game Magazine here.

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