The thing: So, here’s the thing I have been giving much thought to lately – the challenges of living and working while caring for someone with cancer. I do. Daily.
If your working life is affected by cancer, or any other life threatening disease, then I am proposing some help – for each other.
I am not able to offer you money but will help you with time management, website updates, newsletter preparation, social media interaction, business and marketing ideas, or simply coaching to keep your business afloat while your personal ride is tough.
Here’s the quick version of my story: I am the owner and editor of PhotoArchiveNews.com and run AboutTheImage my household (2 kids and a lively cockapoo!) has been living with cancer since 2013. My wife, Katharine, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and then 11 months later, with Bowel Cancer. She now lives with stage 4 Metastatic Bowel Cancer which, over the years, has spread to her liver and lungs. We have had to deal with everything associated with managing the disease – operations to remove each cancer and recurrence, bouts of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, an emergency bowel operation to correct one of the procedures and ongoing side-effects from all the treatments. Those in a similar position will understand the many balls that need juggling and the roles you have to fulfil while keeping positive …or a positive front.
Work: So, as a freelancer, stopping work for me was not really an option – and there have been many days when I have wanted to. The enormity of a client’s marketing plan or an exciting news item needing publishing just seem very unimportant at times. I have had to dig deep – as they say- and crack on and muster the enthusiasm to keep things running. I am now very glad I did.
You may not find the work support you need in your immediate social circles but there will be one or two people who will be key to your survival, sometimes from the least expected avenues!
Here’s what I propose: You can call me (Will Carleton) on UK 07802437827 or email me [email protected] and I, and a few similarly affected freelancers, will help to lighten your workload or help coach you through the dark days. There’s no catch, just a helping hand and a listening ear. Talking really is good in these situations!
• Your freelance business skill: If you would like to help others while they juggle life with disease then get in touch. We need good talkers, skilled freelancers, doers …just all round good people.
Thanks, Will.
Update: 20 October 2020 – I have had some great responses to this post via direct email – thank you! We have great offers of help for anyone needing a business-bridge at the moment.
I had no idea about your situation Will. I knew there was ‘stuff’ just didn’t know how deep that was. I can throw my hat in the ring. I can’t promise the moon but I can definitely handle the stick part xx
[…] Foreman is a friend and work college of my wife Katharine. Katharine has cancer which I wrote about in 2020 – Paula will be attempting to swim the cold, gruelling, 23 mile length of Loch Ness in aid of […]