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Watch: James West explains Alamy’s photographer sales commission drop to 40%

Alamy just dropped the sales commission they pay to photographers to 40% from the long standing 50%
On hearing the news through our reader network this afternoon contacted the photo agency who told us they are not putting anything official out to news sites -just to contributors- but confirmed the news and allowed us to embed the above video in which James West, the boss at Alamy, explains the need for change.

• The new commission structure will land Feb 2019.


  • Getting to the point where it’s barely worth shooting stock, the suits just take it all.

  • It actually means photographers revenue will be cut by 20%. £200 of sales used to earn £100, now £80, so equates to 20% of the photographers commission. Ideal time for a new business to start and offer 50-60%

  • That’s why I’m thinking of withdrawing all my photos from Alamy.

    As a relatively new contributor to the Agency this will not hurt me as much as it would to long-standing contributors with thousands of images on file.

    Alamy is not the photographer-friendly stock agency that they claimed.

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