On the Getty Images blog Jamie Penney has a post titled: ‘Applying for our editorial grants? Photo editor gives behind-the-scenes look’ … ‘For the past five years I’ve been running…
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PA Images
Getty Images will be manage and represent the Lonely Planet Images collection from mid July. Lonely Planet Images state in a letter to it’s customers titled ‘Change to Lonely Planet…
The Lamberti Collection, a major wildlife footage archive, has added a large volume of original South African mammal and underwater footage to the Moving Images archive. This archive can now…
Alamy now features 30 million images and is currently adding 1 million new images to its pool of editorial and creative stock imagery every month. Alan Capel, head of content…
Press Association Images have kindly booked their support of the Press Photo History Project with a banner ad on the PPHP website. The PPHP is a PhotoArchiveNews.com initiative to record…
Seattle Business Magazine has a new interview with Corbis CEO Gary Shenk in their Executive Q&A … Corbis is “midsize”: “ Bill likes that we’re a midsize company in a…
Photographer David Corio has a post on the Getty Images blog entertainment pages recalling his shoot with Dexys Midnight Runners in the 1980 just before their first major single, “Geno”…
Jackson Lee/Splash News: ‘most downloaded image in February’ Candid celebrity news agency Splash is reporting a continued growth with images being added to Splashnews.com and Corbis.com (Splash was acquired by…
A daily photo feed from epa european pressphoto agency is now available from stock photo agency Alamy. Details: • Alamy to sell epa images in UK, North America and the…
Stephen Taylor writes: Dear Will, last week we received some sad news at Animal Photography, one of our Photographers (Paul Kaye) passed away. Paul joined Animal Photography late 2011 and…
Corbis has announced it will be sponsoring this year’s CEPIC Annual Industry Party. They say: ‘The Corbis sponsorship of the CEPIC event will help the company to raise its profile…
Colleen Taylor at TechCrunch TV interviewed Getty Images CEO Jonathan Klein at the SXSW 2012 conference last week and got his ‘insights on how his company has grown up until…
Photo agency Dreamstime has launched a new royalty free image database for designers, advertisers, webmasters and bloggers. They say the site has been set up to help combat illegal image…
The CEPIC Congress is in London this year 15 – 18 May. PhotoArchiveNews.com caught up with CEPIC President Christina Vaughan to find out what’s happening for ‘London CEPIC Week’. Name:…
The Press Association is now representing James Moy Photography and will have images from the F1 2012 season which starts in Melbourne, Australia this weekend. “We are delighted to be…
This shot by Action Images photographer John Sibley won the “Sports Picture of the Year” category at the Sports Journalists’ Association (SJA) British Sports Journalism Awards on Monday night. The…
UK based architectural photo agency View Pictures have several new additions to their growing collection of one-off British houses and interiors. One is The Round Tower above, an unusual conversion…
The Press Association, has appointed Milica Lamb (above) as its new Picture Editor. In her new role Lamb will oversee and direct PA’s substantial photographic output on a day-to-day basis,…