…just in…. Paparazzi photographer Peter Carrette owner of Australian photo agency Icon Images died at home in Sydney on Sunday night aged 63. ✮ Report here by The Sydney Morning…
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PA Images
First published in 2010 and back due to demand we are firing this up again – Below: Graham Cross at photo agency Eyevine sent us this from his files: ‘and…
Because you have been asked to? – Because everyone else is? Publishers are showing good profits, boutique publishers are doing very well due to the world wide web and customers…
Breaking….. 4pm – the deal is off! – details as we get them….. 4.05pm – 6pm – the phone is ringing off the hook – voice mails are queued up,…
Name: Bryan Alexander Company: Arctic Photo Position: Partner…
Name: Glenn Parker Company: Photolibrary Group Position: CEO…
PhotoArchiveNews.com was invited to the opening of The Sygma Preservation and Access Facility in Paris yesterday. Here, our new reporter, John Balean, tours the facility and speaks with Gary Shenk…
Name:James Claydon Title: CEO Photo library business: Imvest Ltd. Parent company of London Features International and Idols…
The Flickr blog is reporting ‘We won’t have to wait long until we see the end product. The Flickr Collection will debut on Getty Images in March.’ The 2nd phase…
PA Photos held a party last week at the Foreign Press Association to celebrate the launch of the 10-book series 20th Century Britain in Pictures PA Photos has been capturing…
WENN is a unique, independent, global news network, headquartered in London with offices in Los Angeles, New York, Las Vegas and other key entertainment cities around the world. WENN is…
Popstar Pictures is the exclusive online photo library featuring only the work of Jens Wikholm. Popstar Pictures offers photos of the highest caliber from high production studio imagery to exotic…
photo credit: Dave Yoder He is obsessed with his camera phone, is a member of the Brown Food Club, lives on an aeroplane and he runs Digital Railroad….. He is…
Getty Images have bought citizen journalism photo agency Scoopt Scoopt.com (someone sold the URL) “New technology has made it easier to capture and distribute imagery, leading to citizen photojournalism that…
Jean Hosking – Owner of FLPA Images, takes the PAN 60 second interview.…
The PAN 60 seconds interview with Action Images Managing Director David Jacobs.…
Mike Watson, CEO, Mike Watson Images arranged by Samantha Bruce. Mike Watson Images is a group of experienced picture professionals whose aim is to create useable, relevant imagery. With our…
Andrea Stern, Head of V&A Images said “We are excited to be able to work with Alamy, a leader in the representation of specialist collections. V&A Images’ expanding coverage through…