Salt Lake City based photo agency Newscom have announced the launch of a new photo resource, a sister company, Pixation Images providing ‘creative content for commercial use.’ Pixation Images is…
Updated article: Specialist health, beauty and wellness image library are re-running their popular offer from last year’s Fotofringe. …and the winner is: ‘We’re thrilled to announce that the winner…
Joanna Smith who was by the side of Cepic President Alan Smith [owner of picture library Topfoto] for the formative years of 1997 to 2009 and Chairman in the founding…
↑ UK: Women’s weekly title Best, published by Hearst Magazines UK, has unveiled a new website and new-look magazine. They say: Best has responded to these new findings in the…
BBC reports: ‘Photography groups have reacted angrily to new legislation passed in Parliament over the use of copyrighted material when the owner cannot be contacted.’ Full report here:…
and the winner is … Toby Hopkins (Senior Account Manager, Publishing) from Corbis writes: ‘Corbis had a great day. Over 150 people entered our prize draw to win the Diana…
Thank you for coming to fotoFringe on Wednesday and visiting us at the StockFood table. As promised, we’ve selected one business card at random and the lucky winner will receive…
890 picture buyers registered in advance 700 visitors throughout the day Flora Nedelcu, organiser of fotofringe London: “This, the third fotofringe day, looks like the best yet. 890 picture buyers/art…
at The Fleet Street Press cafe, 3 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1AU ‘Following the kind offer of space on the walls of the wonderful ” Fleet Street Press” cafe some…
↑ Sal Shuel of BAPLA draws the winning business card with Bryan & Cherry Alexander of Arctic Photo ↑ …and the winner is – Helen Wilson, Content Sales Manager Guardian…
Make sure to visit the Mary Evans Picture Library table today at fotofringe London and view a selection of images from the Natural History Museum. They have just announced their…
After five years development work, Skyscan have launched a new online map-based search facility to search for historic and modern oblique aerial photos of the UK by postcode. Library Manager…
fotofringe exhibitor Nature Picture Library are giving away 3 WWF animal adoption packs (worth £50 each) at their table today, all you need to do is leave your business card…
Alamy are online today with a new forum for contributors as part of their continuous improvement strategy. They say: The new forum has a fresh interface, enhanced features and is…
Make sure to visit the fotoLibra table at fotofringe London today as owners Gwyn and Yvonne will be exchanging business cards for huge, delicious bars of chocolate. … ‘For Picture…
Flora Nedelcu, organiser of fotofringe London says… ”Visitor registrations are up again this year, with very strong bookings from book publishers, magazine publishers, and the numbers of advertising agencies, designers…
Register for Fotofringe here – free to image buyers Read Fotofringe details on PAN fotofringe London – 24 April for creative & editorial photo buyers See who’s at Fotofringe and…
Collect your copy of the Gallery Stock agency magazine Red Dot from their table ….where you will also find sweets, pens, bags and ….a chap in a mankini! NOTE: Stewart…