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NPPA: 2013 Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year

Picture Editors at Newsweek and The Palm Beach Post were winners at the The NPPA – National Press Photographers Association’s Best Of Photojournalism 2013 Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year awards. The picture desk team at the LA Times and zReportage by photo agency ZUMA were among the honours. Full…

EPA: Watch their ‘best press pictures 2003 – 2013’ slideshow

Frankfurt base photo agency epa -european pressphoto agency- is celebrating it’s tenth birthday with a collection of the most outstanding epa images spanning the past decade has been compiled as a slide show (above) available also an e-book. Hannah Hess, Editor-in-Chief of epa, said: “Ten years ago the then existing…

Editorial photo agency launches new creative stock photo platform

Salt Lake City based photo agency Newscom have announced the launch of a new photo resource, a sister company, Pixation Images providing ‘creative content for commercial use.’ Pixation Images is providing travel, stock, lifestyle, and creative imagery from stock photography partners like akg-images, Cultura, Danita Delimont , DPA, imagebroker,Robert Harding…

Topfoto: Joanna Smith 1938 – 2013

Joanna Smith who was by the side of Cepic President Alan Smith [owner of picture library Topfoto] for the formative years of 1997 to 2009 and Chairman in the founding years of Bapla died peacefully on the 19 April 2013 aged 75 years. A private funeral will be held today…

BBC on Orphan Works changes – UK Law

BBC reports: ‘Photography groups have reacted angrily to new legislation passed in Parliament over the use of copyrighted material when the owner cannot be contacted.’ Full report here:…

fotofringe Winner: StockFood canvas print

Thank you for coming to fotoFringe on Wednesday and visiting us at the StockFood table. As promised, we’ve selected one business card at random and the lucky winner will receive a free canvas print. With over 500,000 images on to chose from, this is a great chance to add…

Skyscan releases new online map-based photo search facility

After five years development work, Skyscan have launched a new online map-based search facility to search for historic and modern oblique aerial photos of the UK by postcode. Library Manager Brenda Marks says ” There are many years of cataloguing still required to geocode every photograph but we currently have…

Alamy releases new improved forum for contributing photographers

Alamy are online today with a new forum for contributors as part of their continuous improvement strategy. They say: The new forum has a fresh interface, enhanced features and is encouraging positive engagement within its community of photographers. James Allsworth, social media manager, commented: “Our old forum had over 20,000…