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Industry People out and about – Richard Young – Mary Evans birthday bash

Richard …”Easy this delivery malarky!” ©Richard Young Gallery
Front cover of Richard’s Langans Brasserie book – View the PAN article for more

Photographer Richard Young was spotted single handedly tackling a fresh delivery of his Langans book at his London gallery.

Richard told PAN: “I have published 5 books over my 50 year career, and they are all still selling out! My favourites are Nightclubbing and Langans, which I self published, the quality of the paper and to have the control over the content is a must for me. So busy this week with a large order, so had to get my wheelie out!”

The colours! ©Mary Evans Picture Library

The photo library team at Mary Evans were in full Birthday mode for their 60th last week!

Managing Director Paul Brown told PAN: “The celebration was a great success with friends old and new, who have been a part of the unique legacy of Mary and Hilary Evans for the last sixty years, enjoying a wonderful evening together.” 

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