Celebrity photo agency Splash News has confirmed three positive celebrity photo feed relationships this week …and strengthened it’s sales team.

Giles Harrison – photo supplied
Celebrity photographer Giles Harrison of photo agency London Entertainment (LE) has confirmed his continued relationship with Splash – he told PhotoArchiveNews.com: “I’m thrilled to expand the successful relationship Splash and London Entertainment have enjoyed for over 20 years, I look forward to combining the strengths of two of the most experienced companies in the business to continue to drive the industry in a way that benefits photographers and the entire news and picture community.”
Over his 22-year career as a journalist, Giles Harrison has taken over a million photos and has had his pictures appear in hundreds of major magazines, newspapers and digital outlets. London Entertainment (LE), the agency he built from the ground up, has grown into one of the biggest producers of professional images in the world, syndicating over 1000 images each month, all exclusive via Splash News.

Elder Ordonez – photo suppliedCelebrity
Photographer Elder Ordonez has signed to Splash – Elder has been shooting in New York city for the last 8 years … Splash say “Elder thinks out of the box and goes after the difficult and most desirable news breaking stories. Welcome to the team Elder!”

Miles and Cesar of 247Paps – photo supplied
Miles and Cesar of 247Paps have extended their relationship with Splash – saying “Together we’ve learned the ups and the downs of the industry, and have watched it change a lot. But we feel that we have the recipe for success, and that success begins with Splash News and Pictures, we are also very excited to have Dawn Leikness back on the team! She is a true All Star in the industry, and she makes it much easier for us to do our job at the highest level, we can’t wait to start working with her again’’. Miles and Cesar teamed up in 2012 to create the 247Paps.tv brand and immediately started working with Splash.
Following the hire of Tina Dellamonica last month, Splash have strengthened their sales team by welcoming Dawn Leikness back to the agency “I’m excited to return to Splash under the new leadership of SilverHub, and supporting the dedicated reporters and photographers that make Splash great.”
• All Silverhub on PAN
• All Splash on PAN