The Shetland Moving Image Archive Group has been awarded a grant of £25,200 from the (UK) Heritage Lottery Fund. The grant, along with sums raised from film screenings and a…
Corbis on Twitter say “Until Aug 31st, get 25% off your order of Rights Managed or Royalty-Free Images. Use offer code SUMMER2012” ! See also: Current Photo Library Loyalty Deals…
Updated 7 September: Sky News reports ‘Prince Harry Nude Snaps: No Press Inquiry’ ‘Britain’s press watchdog has ruled out an inquiry into the publication of nude photos of Prince Harry…
Wildlife images specialist FLPA have a new contributor photographer Des Ong. The say: ‘FLPA are very discerning when it comes to taking on new photographers and accept a few each…
Magnum photographer Martine Franck has died. PAN reader Jinx Rodger [wife of Magnum photographer George Rodger] sent this reaction to Martine’s passing on Saturday; Dear Will: Magnum has lost a…
UK headquartered stock photo agency Pocketstock has launched bidder, ‘a revolutionary new way to buy stock photos’. They say” Before bidder, a royalty free stock photo buyer needed to purchase…
‘Global alternative asset manager The Carlyle Group (NASDAQ: CG) and Getty Images management announced today they have formed a partnership to acquire Getty Images, Inc., a global creator and distributor…
UK based celebrity photo agency FameFlynet landed their own ‘gold medal’ with over 40 Olympic news images (a couple of examples above) used in UK newspapers on Saturday 11 August.…
Amit Singhal, SVP, Engineering at Google Search has posted a notice on Google’s search blog noting that the search engine will be downgrading copyright infringers on it’s algorithms, the move…
above: An example of one of the hidden gems in the TopFoto archive that has been discovered with the partnership of the EuropeanaPhotography project. EU001059 – “Chariots of Fire” legend,…
New request on the Press Photo History Project now… Dear Will, I came across your website today whilst searching for the photographers S.A Chandler & Son, originally based in Southampton.…
Dear Will, Thank you for speaking with me on the phone just now. Trinity House are looking to track down the current owners of some photos we’ve had in our…
Hello Will I was pointed in your direction by Suzy from the PA. I am not sure if you can help, I would love to discover more of my Grandadfathers…
– Vic Singh; his listing on a web sight is without any phone number-Have written many e-mail s to him but as yet nothing in return-He did live in Chelsea…
View a fresh photo feature licensed through London based photo agency Panos Pictures from photographer Kieran Dodds who visited Carron Valley Forest between Edinburgh and Glasgow, where a life-size replica…
Good article here – Guardian online reports: The corrections column co-editor on… the challenge of writing picture captions …Mistakes sometimes happen because the subeditor writing a caption is working from…
Hop on the campaign trail with stock footage agency Global ImageWorks for some past political campaigns like Bill and Hillary Clinton featuring dozens of hours with Clinton’s strategic team, including…