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Image Law: Facebook photo injunction – UK Newspaper

UK media copyright experts Swan Turton reports: ‘The High Court has granted an interim injunction preventing the Sun from publishing embarrassing Facebook photos of Edward RocknRoll, who married Kate Winslet in December 2012. …The judge found that Mr RocknRoll had a reasonable expectation of privacy mainly because: (1) the photographs…

Google Images speeds up search & provides clearer image metadata

Google have announced a change the way it displays and identifies photographs on the Google images search platform. They say ‘Based on feedback from both users and webmasters, we redesigned Google Images to provide a better search experience. In the next few days, you’ll see image results displayed in an…

Free Guide: Photographers 2013 Photo Business Plan Workbook

Photographers like Ben Lowy, Jim Goldstein feature in the latest photo business guide from website company PhotoShelter. The guide covers tips on: • Market your photo business with Facebook • Attract readers to your blog • Improve SEO traffic • Get more work from old clients • Create a lasting photo brand •…

Shutterstock Profiled in NYSE mag

NYSE Magazine have run a company profile on stock photo agency Shutterstock. Founder Jon Oringer introduced the article via Linkedin – “A few of us at Shutterstock sat down with NYSE Magazine to discuss our founding story, how our search works, how we innovate, and of course: our recent NYSE…

David Farrell Photographer 1919 – 2013

above: David on assignment – ©unknown kindly supplied by the Farrell Estate David Farrell – Lebrecht Music & Arts photographer obituary Lebrecht Music & Arts announces with deep regret the passing away of their photographer David Farrell on January 3rd aged 93. David has been represented by this photo library…

Stock photo library offers/promos

FLPA are giving away 5 Chocolate popping frogs in a ‘click to hop’ January competition. To enter, please place an order for high res before 31st January 2013. please send your stock photo offers to [email protected] – NO ‘discounted-images’ promo’s thanks.…

Twitter launches Vine – capture and share short looping videos

Twitter have acquired mobile phone video specialist software company Vine. Vine enables users to share short looping videos across Twitter and Facebook accounts, the iPhone App is free and available now. They say ‘Vine: a mobile service that lets you capture and share short looping videos. Like Tweets, the brevity…

Mr Pap is Back – plans new celeb stock agency launch

Looks like Big Pictures founder Darryn Lyons is back in the photo arena revealed in an interview with The Weekly Review – a free weekly magazine delivered to more than 200,000 people in some of Melbourne’s most affluent suburbs. – ….’He is launching a digital media company,, an online…

Photo agency & Newspaper pay on Twitter photo copyright infringement

Charles Swan at UK based media law firm Swan Turton writes: Photographer Daniel Morel was awarded summary judgment last week in New York in his ongoing copyright infringement claim against Agence France Presse, Getty Images and the Washington Post. AFP and the Washington Post will have to pay him damages…

Alamy now license mobile phone photos

Photo agency Alamy has announced that it will now accept photographs for its Live News service from mobile (cell) phone cameras and compact cameras. News photographers can upload images to Alamy direct from their smartphone via FTP using existing apps.…

New Website: Papilio wildlife photo library

Kent, UK based wildlife stock photo library Papilio are online with a new look website. The site also features new functions including: • Extra Lightbox features including editing, moving images between selections and ability to share to colleagues with text notes • Once registered, clients have the ability to price…