80,000 images are available for licensing so far ...…

one of Britain's best-known wildlife artists, and father of our Head of Content Tom Gillmor, has died at the age of 85.…
Last week we reported Shutterstock CEO Stan Pavlovsky resigned from the photo agency …all change this week! In a double news shout this morning from Shutterstock New York HQ they have announced Paul Hennessy (photo above) as their new CEO and confirmed the acquisition of video stock library Pond5 for…
Over the last couple of weeks some of the calls into the PAN office have covered the forthcoming CEPIC Congress – some say it’s a chance to meet again, discuss business and just enjoy getting away from the home-office! – a few callers are still sitting on the fence, not…
Press Photographer Frank Martin has died – worked at Bernsen’s International Press Service – BIPS & The GuardianFull details and link to Frank’s images on our Press Photo History project.…