Alfonso Gutierrez the founder of photo agency AGE Fotostock has died. Photographer Alfonso started the photo agency in 1973 and was President of photo association CEPIC from 2013 – 2021.
All the winners images ...
Despised, disputed, adored: Paparazzi are undoubtedly among the most colorful figures in the history of photography!
Stock photography vs AI-generated content - a preamble
Happy New Year!
First launched in 2018
How did you do?!
...'the last twelve months have seen a period of steady growth ..
...largest maximum statutory damages verdict for photography infringement in U.S. history
Scanning required
View the best from the photo agencies 2023
...a new video model
'Stability AI asked the court to dismiss some of Getty Images' claims before trial ...'
...almost underwater like perspective
The physical magazine is back next year!