Name:James Claydon Title: CEO Photo library business: Imvest Ltd. Parent company of London Features International and Idols…
WENN is a unique, independent, global news network, headquartered in London with offices in Los Angeles, New York, Las Vegas and other key entertainment cities around the world. WENN is dedicated to providing the world’s media with up-to-the-minute entertainment news & photos.…
Popstar Pictures is the exclusive online photo library featuring only the work of Jens Wikholm. Popstar Pictures offers photos of the highest caliber from high production studio imagery to exotic location images featuring celebrities and models from all areas of the entertainment industry, ranging from Film & TV to Music,…
photo credit: Dave Yoder He is obsessed with his camera phone, is a member of the Brown Food Club, lives on an aeroplane and he runs Digital Railroad….. He is Evan Nisselson. Evan Nisselson CEO at Digital Railroad, Inc, a software and services company that is creating application services to…
Jean Hosking – Owner of FLPA Images, takes the PAN 60 second interview.…
Elbie Lebrecht, Owner of Lebrecht Music and Arts photo library, takes the PAN 60 second interview.…
The PAN 60 seconds interview with Action Images Managing Director David Jacobs.…
The PAN 60 seconds interview with WENN Chief Executive Lloyd Beiny (above left!)…
This month on Photo Agency News we introduced the photographers collective Luna with the news of their first magazine. Here we visit them again in an interview with Luna member Karl Blanchet (photo) who gives us some background on the collective and his own thoughts on photography including the fact…
Mike Watson, CEO, Mike Watson Images arranged by Samantha Bruce. Mike Watson Images is a group of experienced picture professionals whose aim is to create useable, relevant imagery. With our headquarters in the heart of the city of London, we distribute our product internationally to over 70 countries. Our production…
The latest Photo Archive News ‘brief’ interview. Anne has recently been promoted to Picture Library Manager at London based Lebrecht Music & Arts Photo Library. The library covers archival and modern images of Music: classical & rock, opera & jazz, ballet & Broadway musicals, music notes and evocative illustrations.…
The latest Photo Archive News ‘brief’ interview.…
Library Manager at Pulse Picture Library/CMP Information Ltd Group Picture Editor, Healthcare/CMP Information Ltd…
Managing Director at Universal Pictorial Press and Agency (, London. Publisher of Hotshoe International Magazine.…
Managing Director at Topham Picturepoint ( President CEPIC (Coordination of European Picture Alligencies Press -Stock Heritage, Three times Chairman BAPLA ( Trustee Hebridean Trust (…